Her fingerprint cannot predict her future. But it can help her BUILD IT.
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Can your finger print reveal if you made the right CAREER CHOICE?
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Should I do Engineering? What does my FINGER PRINT SAY?
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Her fingerprint cannot predict her future. But it can help her BUILD IT.
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Can your fingerprint reveal if you made the right CAREER CHOICE?
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Should I do Engineering? What does my FINGERPRINT SAY?
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Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a scientific study of the fingerprint patterns which helps in understanding an individual’s potential & personality type. DMIT is based on Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology and Embryology.

The term DMIT originates from two Greek words Derma and Glyphic – Derma meaning skin and Glyphic meaning curve. Fingerprints and dermal ridges are unique to each individual.

DMIT assessment method has been formulated by scientists and medical experts. Fingerprints provide an accurate analysis of the Multiple Intelligences and inborn potential of an individual. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is widely used in the fields of Education, Human Resource Management, Career Guidance and Career Counselling.

DMIT - a unique method of analysis

DMIT is a purely objective method of analyzing one’s innate potential. The fingerprint scans are used to study the brain lobes following which a comprehensive interpretation of a person’s abilities and traits are arrived at. As fingerprints never change, the results thus obtained hold relevance for a lifetime and hence the analysis does not have to be repeated. Absolutely no input is required from the individual taking the analysis, which is what makes this method of aptitude analysis completely free from external influences or personal biases.

Areas of Application

Understand one’s Personality traits
Do a SWOT Analysis
Tips for better relationships
Understand family/relationship dynamics
Tap into intrinsic potential and hone skills

Identify Learning and Acquiring Styles
Comparison between right and left brain hemispheres
Identify supplementary activities/hobbies
Career guidance based on Multiple Intelligences
Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses
Subjects and Stream selection

Understand Core Competencies
Identify Department Suitability
Understand Management Styles
Helps design the complete Career Road Map for Life
Arrive at the Right-Fit Careers

Selection of the right candidate for the job
Identification of the areas that require training
Reorganize the employed pool to enhance productivity
Reduce operating cost & maximize corporate value
Understand employee Personal Quotients
Helps reduce attrition rate of employees

Got a Question?


Our DNA determines our fingerprints and hence they are directly linked to our brain. The level of accuracy of the result is very high. Our clients accord 91% -100% accuracy to the report.

Questionnaire based conventional methods are subject to influence by the prevalent mental/emotional state of the individual and various other factors whereas DMIT is completely objective in nature as it is based on fingerprints only and is not dependent on any inputs from the person concerned. Therefore, it is not affected by educational/cultural backgrounds, experiences/biases or any other factors/parameters. 

Moreover, as fingerprints remain the same during the lifetime of an individual, the report is valid for a lifetime. 

DMIT is beneficial to diverse age groups where each segment will have a different takeaway. Parents can make well informed choices pertaining to parenting styles and educational techniques with regards to small children, from the pre-school years. Young children will benefit from knowledge about their learning styles, multiple intelligences, hobbies and extra-curricular activities that they can take up. Career choices are made easier for teenagers and young adults. Mid-career changes, appropriate choice of a side hustle, understanding their personality and relationship dynamics are the benefits of DMIT for adults.

The client will have to be physically present and the procedure will take 20 minutes. Fingerprint scanning is done using a biometric scanner. These prints are analyzed and a comprehensive report will be ready within 4 working days. The report will be interpreted and discussed during a one on one counselling session, (in person/virtual) of one hour duration.

The brain of the foetus starts developing from the 13th week of pregnancy and the fingerprints begin to form. This process happens simultaneously and is completed at 24 weeks.  

In a peculiar case where a foetus was born without a brain, doctors in America realized that fingerprints too were missing. Several instances of this condition known as Anencephaly Syndrome, led to medical experts coming to the conclusion that brain development and fingerprint formation go hand in hand and have a definite connection. 

Palmistry is prediction of the future through the interpretation of the lines on the palms. DMIT is a scientific analysis of the patterns of the ridges of fingerprints and gives a detailed insight into one’s innate potential, preferred learning styles, multiple intelligences and personality types. DMIT can help individuals understand themselves and chalk out their paths to a successful future. 

The counselling service which is part of the package will give a comprehensive explanation of the report. If any specific guidance is required at a later stage, a fresh counselling session can be arranged for the area of concern. A counselling fee will be applicable for such sessions.


The Theory of
Multiple Intelligences

Human beings possess various Multiple Intelligences in varied proportions. Intellectual composition varies from individual to individual. Education and learning can be optimized by understanding the multiple intelligences and adopting the best learning style suited to the individuals.

The multiple intelligences are:

  • Intelligence (Reasoning Smart) Logical
  • Intelligence (Word Smart) Linguistic
  • Intelligence (Musical Smart) Musical
  • Intelligence (Nature Smart) Naturalist
  • Intelligence (Philosophy Smart) Existential
  • Intelligence (Self Smart) Intrapersonal
  • Intelligence (Body Smart) Bodily-Kinesthetic
  • Intelligence (People Smart) Interpersonal
  • Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)



We help individuals and organizations get an edge in this competitive world

What We Do

At Consilium Career Counselling we help you determine the career pathways, and to decisively choose the career options best suited to your individual and unique core competencies. The road to a professionally successful and personally satisfying career starts here.
We utilize the most modern and scientific methodology and cutting edge technologies to analyse your intellectual as well as emotional strengths to derive a formula to find the career options bested suited for you.


We help you choose the right path



Discover who you are and your innate characteristics.



Gain insight into your intrinsic potential and what you are capable of.



Make well informed choices in selecting the appropriate curriculum; matching skills and interests with one's personality. And in picking the universities best placed to enable a smooth transition to one's chosen career path.



The process of discovery of 'right-fit jobs' which align career and life goals. Manage one's journey through life, learning and work changes.



Elevating one's 'Happiness Quotient' and positive prompts towards the Path of Happiness.



The art of befriending oneself and one's experiences.

Sunitha Jose

Sunitha has a wealth of experience, helping people, from students in the nascent stage of their development, to entrepreneurs and professionals seeking career options best suited to their already established educational and career experiences. She guides individuals towards identifying their true calling and pursuing their goals. 

Academic Credentials

  • MA in Communication and Journalism
  • PG Diploma in Guidance & Counselling Psychology
  • Certification in DMIT Counselling
  • Global Career Counselling Certification, UCLA
  • Certified Happiness and Mindfulness Coach, Berkeley Institute of Well-Being
  • Certificate Course in ‘Leaders of Learning’, Harvard University

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Research Papers

There are over 800 research papers available on Fingerprints & Dermatoglyphs. A few select papers are provided below.

The association between dermatoglyphics & schizophrenia by using fingerprint asymmetry methods

Correlation between Dermatoglyphic patterns and ABO blood groups

About Dermatoglyphics in Gov Website

Quantifying the Dermatoglyphic Growth Patterns in Children through Adolescence

Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Dermatoglyphic Patterns and Aggressive Periodontal Diseases

Dermatoglyphics as a genetic tool and bio-indicator to detect in recurrent pregnancy loss

Application of Dermatoglyphic Traits for Diagnosis of Diabetic

Detection of Dermatoglypic patterns of blind people using fingerprint classification

Dermatoglyphics and Its Relation to Intelligence Levels of Young Students

A Dermatoglyphic study of autistic patients

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